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5 High-Paying Entry-Level Remote Jobs and How to Apply

Technological advancements and changing employment dynamics have opened a vast array of opportunities for individuals seeking high-paying remote jobs, irrespective of their prior experience or formal education. Remote work has always been popular for its flexibility, and lucrative remote jobs are becoming more common. You may even find yourself qualified for a high-paying remote job without a degree.

high-paying remote jobs without a degree or experience

These jobs require you to listen to audio recordings — of meetings, TV shows, podcasts, etc. — then type up what was said so people can read it later. In many cases, the hours are flexible, with workers choosing which files they want to transcribe, then getting paid once the assignments are complete. The technology company Rev was one of many employers recently seeking remote transcriptionists. This role works to protect computer networks and systems at a company or organization. Analysts will monitor networks for security breaches, research IT trends, create plans for possible security issues, and more.

Customer Service Clerk

Front-end developers design the visual layout of websites, while back-end developers are responsible for coding them. Full-stack developers both design and code websites, while webmasters manage and update them. The online nature of web development means that it can be done as easily from home as in an office.

S&P 500 Index generated an average annual compounded return of only 9.2% during the same 10-year period. Actually Warren Buffett failed to beat the S&P 500 Index in 1958, returned only 40.9% and pocketed 8.7 percentage of it as “fees”. His investors didn’t mind that he underperformed the market in 1958 because he beat the market by a large margin in 1957. That year Buffett’s hedge fund returned 10.4% and Buffett took only 1.1 percentage points of that as “fees”.

Best Remote Jobs That Don’t Require a Degree: A Closer Look

Taking surveys is one of the easiest remote jobs without a degree that allows you to make money. It does not take much more than signing up, creating a profile, and giving feedback on ads, articles, or services. Here are two entry-level event planning jobs that are sometimes done remotely and often require no experience. Here are business development jobs that are entry level, typically do not require experience, and can be done at home.

Privacy officers ensure companies follow best privacy practices and procedures. Tasks can include performing audits to ensure privacy compliance, conducting risk assessments and reduction strategies, and handling breaches and privacy issues. A degree in a technical field is often required for this high-paying remote job. Art directors oversee the visual style and tone for magazines, newspapers, websites, product packaging, and more. Some common duties of this top-paying remote job can include conceptualizing visual direction, determining design elements to use, managing graphic designers or other staff, and presenting designs to clients. Art directors need a bachelor’s degree in art or a related area and previous work experience.

Project manager

These jobs are more formative, allowing you to gain important experience, skills, and training from the work you do. A customer service representative assists high-paying remote jobs without a degree or experience and resolves customer inquiries and issues through various channels. They aim to deliver positive experiences and ensure customer satisfaction.

Setting strategy, creating road maps, and defining product features are all a part of the job. Product managers may also analyze market conditions and communicate with people at all levels of an organization. Medical writers take technical and scientific data from studies and research to write papers, articles, and documents that present the information in a clear manner. Knowledge of medical terms and processes is required, and certification with the American Medical Writers Association can be a bonus. Going freelance is another option, if you prefer to set your own hours and want to work with several different clients or types of companies at once.

Social Media Content Creator

Graphic designers create visuals that communicate the ideas, messages, and aesthetics that an organization, brand, or individual is trying to put forward. Graphic designers might work with words, images, or both and generally create art digitally or convert handmade art to a digital medium. Graphic designers can design pretty much any visuals a company needs, such as logos, product packaging, infographics, social media images, and even elements of websites and software programs. Once a graphic designer knows what their employers or clients want, most of their work is done solo using a computer and other equipment they can easily keep at their home, making it an ideal online job. To become a proofreader or copy editor, you’ll need a strong handle on English spelling and grammar conventions and a keen eye for detail, and you should expect to take a skills test before being hired.

  • In some cases, there may be a time difference between you and the employer, which means you’ll often have to wait for answers.
  • Sales jobs require determination, good process, enthusiasm, people skills, empathy, and more.
  • This job is ideal for those who want to work online but still interact with many people on a daily basis.
  • A digital marketer promotes products or services through online channels, utilizing platforms like social media, search engines, and email marketing.